mRNA Transcript Analysis: Reverse Transcription (1)
mRNA Transcript Analysis: Reverse Transcription (2)
mRNA Transcript Analysis: Reverse Transcription (3)
RNA integrity
Mechanism of Reverse Transcription.
Variability of the Reverse Transcription Step: Practical Implications.
Comparison of reverse transcriptases in gene expression analysis.
Properties of the reverse transcription reaction in mRNA quantification.
Low efficiency of the MMLV reverse transcriptase during
reverse transcription of rare t(8;21) fusion gene transcripts.
Increased Yield of PCR Products by Addition of T4 Gene 32 Protein to the SMART PCR cDNA Synthesis System.
Evaluation of sense-strand mRNA amplification by comparative quantitative PCR.
Optimization of RNA yield, purity and mRNA copy number by treatment of urine cell pellets with RNAlater.
Global amplification of sense RNA: A novel method to replicate and archive mRNA for gene expression analysis.
One-Step RT-PCR without Initial RNA Isolation Step for Laser-Microdissected Tissue Sample.
Optimized protocol for linear RNA amplification and application to gene expression profiling of human renal biopsies.
RNA amplification strategies for cDNA microarray experiments.
REVIEW: Pitfalls of Quantitative Real-Time Reverse-Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction
REVIEW: Absolute quantification of mRNA using real-time reverse transcription PCR assays
REVIEW: Quantification of mRNA using real-time reverse transcription PCR: trends and problems
Links to academic sites:
The RNA World Website
Qiagen Bench Guide: Chapter 3 - RNA
Online Biology Book: 19 - CONTROL OF GENE EXPRESSION
Online Molecular Biology BookChapter 4 - Gene Transcription
Links to comercial sites:
TATAA Biocenter => Endogenous Control Gene Panel for Human and Mouse
geNorm Kits
Stratagene - qPCR human reference total RNA
Ambion - The RNA Company - Technical Recources - very interesting !